On Tue, 09 May 2000, Brian Ristuccia wrote:

> This is similar to the Apple notification clause. If Anonymizer Inc. goes
> out of business or decides to take down their mail server you can no longer
> satisfy this term and thus can't modify the software at all. Notification
> clauses have been argued to violate DFSG #1, #3, #5, and #7. I suspect
> almost all of these arguments are valid. 
> (Note that it would be fine if it read something like "you may modify and
> distribute the source only iff you provide everyone who recieves a copy of
> the software and/or your modifications a perpetual, royalty-free license to
> use and distribute")

Thanks to everybody for confirming my view of things. I will check out
the differencies between the 2.0.x and the 3.x features more closly
and contact Anonymizer Inc. asking whether they would consider a
license change if it turns out to be worth the hassle.


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