On 23-May-00, 00:56 (CDT), Mike Bilow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> This would be my position: once you edit in the "debian" subdirectory, you
> are modifying the source tree.  I don't see any way of satisfying the
> license other than by distributing source patches and letting the user
> build, as is done with Pine.  This is annoying at best, and the Pine
> license is actually one of the principal motivations for Mutt.

There's (possibly) two issues: distributing modified source, and
distributing a binary that was built from the modified source. Debian
is okay on the former: we distribute the upstream source + patch. We're
not okay on the latter. But most licenses that restrict the former also
restrict the latter (or don't mention it at all, which is equivalent, in
my opinion).


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