----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Bushnell, BSG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <debian-legal@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: linking to GPL'd libraries WAS Re: One unclear point in the Vim 

> > I am sorry that I upset you.  I am not saying that I am
> > totally confused, nor that I read the right stuff.  It 
> > is interesting that you claim that I think that "you" 
> > know better than me, and even more interesting that you
> > claim that I think that you are ignorant.  If there is 
> > a more appropriate forum to learn the legal significance 
> > of debian development and whether it is something that I 
> > can believe in and share with others, I am very 
> > interested in finding out.
> If you want to decide whether you can believe in it, I would recommend
> you take a look at www.gnu.org/philosophy.  That's much better than
> posting questions which amount to "gee, I wonder whether there's a way
> to get around the GPL".  
> The short answer is: "as far as we know, no".
> The medium-long answer is: "as far as we know, no; if there is
> something that does get around it, we want to know, in such a way that
> we can fix it without it being exploitet, so post your question
> somewhere less public."
> The long answer is: "Here are a jillion things that people have
> dreamed up, and I can address them one at a time."
> I'm not willing to do the long one.  I'm willing to do the short one:
> there, done.
> If you are not just trolling, then post a real-world case, involving
> software, and someone (maybe even me) can explain the application of
> the GPL to your case.

This seems like a more reasonable response.  Thank you
for your time.  

Your last suggestion seems contrary to your suggestion
to "post your question somewhere less public."  I guess
that is the nature of the beast.  

Best regards,

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