On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 09:07:38PM -0500, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
> On Dec 7, 2003, at 17:07, Arnoud Engelfriet wrote:
> >Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
> >>Huh? Please, could someone please find the derivative works in the
> >>following, in chronological order:
> >>
> >>     1. I create a program, Anthony's Foo Editor, and add a plugin 
> >>API.
> >>        I release my program under the MIT X11 license.
> >>     2. Weston Manning (a new maintiner) uploads Anthony's Foo Editor 
> >>as
> >>        afe.
> >>     3. Marc Spencer creates a plugin, Frobit, under the OpenSSL 
> >>license
> >>     4. Weston Manning uploads afe-frobit
> >>     5. Duncan Finch creates a plugin, Barnitz, under the GPL, 
> >>version 2
> >>     6. Weston Manning uploads afe-barnitz
> >
> >If I understand the FSF correctly, they claim that a package
> >containing both 'afe' and the 'barnitz' plugin is a derivative
> >work of the 'barnitz' plugin.
> No package containing both was created in the above!
> Even if one were, it'd be a compilation --- not a derivative work --- 
> as there was no modification of either work. IOW, a mere aggregation.

That is not at all clear.

A package containing them both clearly would not "function usefully"
without one of them - then it wouldn't be "a package containing them
both". So it's plausible to argue that it *is* a derivative work.

Whenever you are faced with a plausible argument for both sides, the
one with the more expensive lawyer wins.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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