On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 11:16:11PM +0100, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> Adrian Bunk wrote:
> > Package: libdvdread3
> > Version: 0.9.4-3
> > Severity: critical
> > The debconf note says:
> > <--  snip  -->
> > Many DVDs use css.  To play these, a special library is needed to
> > read them, libdvdcss.  Debian cannot distribute this library
> > according to some laws, but it is available on other places on the
> > internet for download.  Run
> > `/usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh' to download and
> > install it.
> > <--  snip  -->
> > These "some laws" not only prevent distribution of libdvdcss, they
> > also disallow the use of libdvdcss in some countries (e.g. in Germany).
> [...]
> It is rather dubious and not proven in court that using libdvdcss
> for *playing* DVDs (not copying them) is indeed illegal in Germany. I
> suggest further discussion on -legal.

It's at least a grey area, and most likely in more countries than just 

If you as a private person say "I think it is legal to use libdvdcss for 
playing DVDs", it's your choice.

But for a user, it should be very clear that there are legal risks when 
using libdvdcss.

Besides this, is it 100% clear that the debconf note and install-css.sh
couldn't fall under some forbidden promotion or distribution clause in 
Germany or other countries which would also bring legal risks for all 
mirrors and distributors of Debian [1]?

Note that I'm not happy with the legal situation of libdvdcss, but even 
if it would succeed in the end, a lawsuit with it's costs against users, 
mirrors and/or distributors of Debian would cause serious harm for 

The German copyright law was changed, and it does now prohit the 
circumvention of copyright protection.
You might be sued by the copyright holder (with at least the costs of 
the lawsuit), and if you do it not only for your private use, the 
penalty is up to one year in prison.
I'm referring to the German "Gesetz ueber Urheberrecht und verwandte 
Schutzrechte", especially the paragraphs 95a, 97 and 108b.

>              cu andreas


[1] in Germany, it's not clear to me how much a judge _might_ interpret 
    into paragraph 95a (3) of the German copyright law

BTW: Please Cc me on replies, I'm not subscribed to debian-legal.


       "Is there not promise of rain?" Ling Tan asked suddenly out
        of the darkness. There had been need of rain for many days.
       "Only a promise," Lao Er said.
                                       Pearl S. Buck - Dragon Seed

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