On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 11:10:00PM -0500, Walter Landry wrote:
> > > uncertain about whether you should disable the automatic generation of
> > > .elc files.
> > 
> > Why ? We clearly are not violating the GPL by doing so, so where is the
> > problem.
> If Debian sets up everything so that the user automatically makes the
> link in the postinst, a judge might see that as legally equivalent to
> distributing the compiled form.  Especially since Debian distributes
> Emacs as well.  It gets rather murky, and starts getting into what
> people's intent is.  It might be fine, but I am uncertain.

Hoop jumping to evade the intent of licenses doesn't work unless you
have expensive lawyers. Which we don't.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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