paul cannon said on Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 12:31:44PM -0700,:

 > Several  posters  on  slashdot  and elsewhere  have  mentioned  the
 > similarity  between this  and the  old, obnoxious  BSD "advertising
 > clause":


 > The  FSF  is quite  clear  [4],[5] in  that  they  do not  consider
 > licenses  with the  advertising clause  to be  compatible  with the
 > GPL. In addition, the

IMO, end user documentation  for the application != advertisements for
the software.


        "the end-user documentation  included with the redistribution,
        if any, must include the..."
  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,                   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,               
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,               
  Kerala, India.                          

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