Giacomo A. Catenazzi said on Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 10:27:13AM +0100,:

 > >All works of the United States Government (of which FIPS 180-1 is one)
 > >are ineligible for copyright and are explicitly public domain.
 > There are public domain only in the United States, IIRC

Why do you say so??

AFAIK, copyright  is granted  by countries on  a reciprocal  basis; no
country grants  a copyright for a  `foreign work' when  such work does
not enjoy any protection in its country of origin, nor a period longer
than what  it enjoys in  its originating country.  Correct me if  I am

Again, different countries may treat this differently.

  Mahesh T. Pai, LL.M.,                   
  'NANDINI', S. R. M. Road,               
  Ernakulam, Cochin-682018,               
  Kerala, India.                          

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