Hans Reiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Markus Törnqvist wrote:
> > Also, if every software showed their credits, there would easily be
> > a ton of them.
> >
> This is bad why?  They could be interesting for users to read while
> the install proceeds.

Indeed, it would be far more interesting to read credits instead of a
boring list of URIs.

Hmm, come to think of it, if the credits were simply scrolled up with
every package installed, the length of each individual credit would
naturally be limited, and thus probably avoid excessively long credits.

Would that be a working solution?
                                                    Jens Peter Secher
_DD6A 05B0 174E BFB2 D4D9 B52E 0EE5 978A FE63 E8A1 jpsecher get2net dk_

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