On Mon, 12 Jul 2004 01:56:45 -0400 Nathanael Nerode wrote:

> > Why should Debian wait for one such image to *be packaged* before
> > moving the viewer from contrib to main?
> Oh, it doesn't need to be packaged.  If it is, however, it proves that
> such an image exists.

I'm glad to hear this: at least it is not necessary to have DFSG-free
data *packaged* in order to move a DFSG-free reader from contrib to
main. The mere existence of such data seems to be sufficient...

> > A real example: prboom is in contrib (at least in Woody). It's free
> > (under the GNU GPL license). It doesn't depend on non-free packages.
> > It can be installed without pulling in non-free packages and can
> > execute the FreeDoom IWADs that are free[1] (under a 3-clause BSD
> > license), but not packaged for Debian.
> It seems like this belongs in main.  But why hasn't anyone packaged
> any of the free IWADs?

I really don't know.
Perhaps no DD has enough time to package two files that don't even need
any actual installation: you just have to download them and you are
ready to feed prboom. Very similar to downloading a DFSG-free mp3 audio
file and feeding mpg321: does a free-mp3-collection package exist? 

             |  GnuPG Key ID = DD6DFCF4 |  $ fortune
  Francesco  |        Key fingerprint = |  Q: What is purple
     Poli    | C979 F34B 27CE 5CD8 DC12 |     and commutes?
             | 31B5 78F4 279B DD6D FCF4 |  A: A boolean grape.

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