Josh Triplett writes:

> > * Uneven licenses, which have multiple distinct free paths, are Free
> >   as long as there is one Free path.  That is, "BSD to teachers, GPL
> >   to everyone else" is OK.  If I'm a teacher, I have a free license
> >   and can distribute my changes under any license I like, including
> >   the BSD.  If I'm not, I have a Free license, the GPL, and can
> >   distribute my changes under the GPL, the same license I received.
> Right.

How do you reconcile that particular example with DFSG 5 and 6?  If it
were just "you may choose your rights from license X, Y or Z" and any
of the choices were free, I would agree that the work is free, but if
it were "BSD to teachers, GPL to everyone else", I would read that as

Michael Poole

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