On 3/26/06, Walter Landry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you are distributing both, then the XML file is Transparent and the
> word file is opaque.  My point was that the word file is never
> Transparent.  I am not saying that the word file can not be
> distributed, but that it is never Transparent.

I found out yesterday that there is an xml format which is a
word format.  In Word 2003, use the "Save As..." dialog -- it's
the second option on the drop down list for file formats.

More specifically, "word format" means that Word has a document
object which it serializes into a file.  One of the mechanisms it
has for doing so results in an xml file.  And, of course, it's perfectly
capable of reading these files, and as far as I know you don't
lose any features of word with this file format.

Plus, of course, you can edit these things with a generic
text editor.

But this brings up another issue -- I don't think we should
accept any such .xml document into Debian main unless
we also have a suitable editor (perhaps open office) to support
editing that specific content.  Otherwise, we'd be introducing
a dependency on non-free software (regardless of whether or
not that dependency was explicitly presented in the package


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