On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 16:59:27 -0400 Joe Smith wrote:

> So the real source is a Microsoft Word docuement. However, I suspect
> Debian users would normally "prefer" to edit HTML files, than MS Word 
> Documents.

I certainly prefer manually-edited (X)HTML to MS Word Doc, but I don't
know if I would prefer *machine-generated* HTML. It would depend on how
clean is the result (more like Tidy-reformatted HTML or more like
MS-FrontPage-generated mess?).

At any rate, there are many Debian users that don't know HTML syntax
*and* that happily use OpenOffice.org, so I wouldn't be so sure that
'Debian users would normally "prefer" to edit HTML files, than MS Word

Moreover I think that the preferences of people who actually make
modifications to the work are to be taken into account, not the ones of
those who may perhaps want to modify it, possibly...
If a recipient wants to change the source form, he/she is free to
generate the desired form from the previously distributed source.

To summarize, I think that, if those documents are actually modified in
MS Word Doc format by their actual maintainers, then their source code
is really in MS Word Doc format.
If those documents are released sourceless under the GPL, we cannot
distribute them without violating their copyright.

I recommend contacting upstream and asking for clarification on which
format is used to modify the documents.
If that form is not available, I recommend asking upstream to release

Hope this helps.

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