On Wed, 29 Aug 2012 08:31:08 +0700 Ivan Shmakov wrote:

> >>>>> Bastien ROUCARIES <roucaries.bast...@gmail.com> writes:
>  > Hi, I am going to package fastcap and fasthenry. i have
>  > neithertheless a problem with the last paragraph of the license....
>  > What do you think ?
> […]
>       Unless I be mistaken, this is a BSD-style license.

Not so similar to a BSD license, in my humble opinion...

>       The last
>       paragraph, AIUI, is just one more warranty waiver.

Not really: it is an indemnification clause, actually.
I am undecided on its acceptability and would love hearing the opinion
of other debian-legal regulars: it smells as non-free, what do others

>       IANAL, and other usual disclaimers apply.

Many disclaimers apply to me as well...

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