
Lintian shows this warning on my package:

W: python-pysnmp2 source: build-depends-without-arch-dep python-dev
N:   The control file lists the given package in Build-Depends, but no
N:   architecture-dependent packages are built. If all the packages built
N:   are architecture-independent, the only packages that should be listed
N:   in Build-Depends are those required to run the clean target (such as
N:   debhelper if you use dh_clean). Other build dependencies should be
N:   listed in Build-Depends-Indep instead.
N:   Refer to Policy Manual, section 7.6 for details.

I have:

Build-Depends: cdbs (>= 0.4.23-1.1), debhelper (>= 4.2.0), python-dev

The package is build with cdbs and uses the python distutils. Cdbs calls
'python setup.py clean -a', which of course requires python-dev. Should
i override this warning or is there a better solution?

Jan Lübbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            http://sicherheitsschwankung.de
 gpg-key      1024D/D8480F2E 2002-03-20
 fingerprint  1B25 F91F 9E7B 5D4F 1282  02D6 8A83 8BE4 D848 0F2E

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