at bottom :-

On 12/07/2017, Fernando Toledo <> wrote:
> El 26/06/17 a las 11:08, Steve McIntyre escribió:
>> [ Note the cross-posting... ]
>> Hey folks,
> Our Use-case:
> We develop a derivated distro from Debian called Huayra GNU/Linux, this
> is for educational program of government in Argentina. This big program
> ship around 5 millons of netbooks to highschool students.


> --
> Fernando Toledo
> Dock Sud BBS
> telnet://

In short, this alone use-case answers Steve's original question which
was primarily are there any users who use or would use this tool or
his time would be better spent somewhere else. I think just the above
use-case and number of users answers the need for a tool like
live-wrapper. As has been pointed out by me and others, it just needs
more testing (documentation and love by devs.) to drive more usage

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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