El 21/12/17 a las 14:11, Raphael Hertzog escribió:
> Hi,
> On Sat, 16 Dec 2017, adrian15 wrote:
>> Now using:
>> --linux-flavours="amd64:amd64 686"
>> in a i386 system does install amd64 kernel from amd64 architecture in a
>> transparent manner.
>> Please tell me if there's something to be polished so that it's accepted
>> upstream.
> Your patch does nothing except dropping the ":amd64" suffix. You could
> just as well not use the suffix and use your system where you manually
> enabled the foreign architecture.
> I would have expected your patch to somehow add the foreign architecture
> to the build chroot and figure it out from there.
> As it stands, I don't see the point of this patch.
> Cheers,

  I wanted to spare you the long explanation but here it goes.

1) live-build already enables the foreign architecture in linux flavour
associated packages


That: packages.foreign-architectures file gets created at:


which it's reading: packages.chroot file.

packages.root file is being feed up with the linux flavour packages in:


2) My first implementation of this patch tried not to invent a new
package variable (which would keep the :amd64 package suffix) but to
invent a new filename variable so that further code regarding installing
different linux kernel filenames did not fail later in the code.

I mean:

DEFAULT_KERNEL="$(basename chroot/boot/vmlinuz-*${DEFAULT_FLAVOUR})"

would have translated to:

DEFAULT_KERNEL="$(basename chroot/boot/vmlinuz-*amd64:amd64)"

and there is no such installed files with those filenames.

You can check it here:

I discarded myself this implementation because it modifies too many
lines (Occam's razor reference) and seems too much of an artificial fix.

3) So I dropped that implementation of the patch and searched for
something more elegant. A patch that modified the least possible lines
of the live-build code and I finally found out how... with this new
package based variable that would only have to be used in one specific

And that's the patch I submitted here in the first place.

  Do you prefer my discarded implementation? The one I sent initially?
Or is it a better way of approaching this problem?

  Thank you for your feedback.

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