Hey eznix, thank you for taking the time to reply.

Excatly, when I do not include these large file(s), the start job does not 
appear and it boots normally.
Yes, I have experimented with boot appends like nouveau.modeset=0 or 
blacklisting it outright, but the described behavior persists.

I have done some extensive testing, and these are my findings so far:

1.)Running lb-config with --apt-recommends false seems to solve this issue, so 
it must be some recommended package at the root of it all. The downside of this 
"fix" is that I can't login anymore after the iso boots, because the default 
password/username aren't set up, correctly.

2.)Another way to get around this start job is to use
lb config --distribution sid --parent-distribution buster
With these options the start job still appears when including large files, 
however it's gone within a matter of 1-2 seconds and you can boot/login 

In summary, I have figured out ways to kind of circumvent the issue, but as 
always, I would like to truly understand what exactly the problem is in order 
to find a perfect fix for it. Otherwise it will just keep me up at night lol.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Wednesday, February 17, 2021 6:33 AM, ezsit55 <ezsi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry, I do not have an answer for you. Does this start job appear if you do 
> not include those massive files in the iso? Most searching points to a video 
> driver or no-modesetting grub option.
> On 2/15/21 3:12 PM, mike.goldberg1 wrote:
>> Hello everybody!
>> Building on Debian Buster.
>> When I add larger files (1-2GB) via includes.chroot to /etc/skel, the build 
>> still completes successfully and the iso works as well, but at boot it says 
>> "A start job is running for live-config (late userspace) which takes about 
>> 2min until it boots.
>> Anybody know why this is happening and how to avoid it?
>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>> On Friday, January 29, 2021 12:22 AM, mike.goldberg1 
>> [<mike.goldbe...@protonmail.com>](mailto:mike.goldbe...@protonmail.com) 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone!
>>> Live build works great on Debian 10 but I cannot figure out something.
>>> My Goal >
>>> 1)Change the user password of the live user
>>> 2)Have all applications request the password like on a regular install
>>> Solution >
>>> 1)Remove /etc/sudoers.d/live which live-build creates by default and 
>>> contains the line that is added to the /etc/sudoers file and causes all 
>>> apps to run without password prompt. Namely "user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"
>>> 2)Write a hook which sets a new user password at boot, since the user is 
>>> created at this time by live-config.
>>> The live build manual recommends to use the passwd example hook located in 
>>> /usr/share/doc/live-config/examples/hooks and add it to 
>>> config/includes.chroot/lib/live/config/
>>> This did not work for me at all, unfortunately. Also, I wasn't quite sure 
>>> what "prefix" needed to be applied, since this actually runs at boot time. 
>>> I called mine "2000-passwd.hook.chroot".
>>> I also tried by creating my own hook to change the passwd at boot time, by 
>>> placing it in the same directory, but this also failed.
>>> This was my command "echo user:pass | /user/sbin/chpasswd"
>>> Any help would be appreciated!

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