On 2018-11-20 15:30:21, Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 07:07:26PM -0500, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
>> The process broke down a while back, and reasons don't matter. We need
>> to figure out how to fix this.
>> So I opened #859122 to import the missing DLAs and I've made good
>> progress.
>> But I've opened this bug report (#859123) to fix the process. So far,
>> the idea we had was to make LTS contributors submit a patch to the
>> website as part of the DLA publication process. You'd run the little
>> "parse-dla.pl" script which would create two files in the webwml git
>> repository, separate from the security tracker! that's where the
>> debian.org website lives.. Then you'd commit those and send a merge
>> request to the project (or just push if you have the rights). The
>> webmaster folks seemed to be open to grant us access to the repo to
>> remove friction as well..
>> How does that sound?
> sounds very good to me. thanks for your work on this so far!

Right, agreed. :) I guess the script could both parse previous emails
and future ones quite easily.

The problem we have right now is we have no feedback from the www team
on the patches proposed in #859122 so I don't know if the formatting is
alright. Nor is it promising for the promptness with which the team can
respond to our constant flurry of such MRs in the future...

>> Another thing I thought we could do would be to hook that script into a
>> mailbox that would receive mail from the debian-lts-announce list and
>> automatically publish the results into git. But so far my efforts at
>> automating things on Debian infrastructure have mostly failed, so I'm
>> not sure it's the way to go. Besides, the parse-dsa.pl script isn't
>> exactly solid, and don't like the idea of parsing arbitrary input like
>> this without a human oversight. But it would certainly reduce friction
>> to a minimum, which I like.
> I better like your above proposal than generating data from parsing mails 
> which
> we have sent previously.
> So I've just requested webwml access from the debian-www folks.

... where did you do that?

Considering that the patches I proposed now 3 weeks ago haven't been
merged, it seems it would be imperative for all LTS people to have
access to the www repository in our workflow. Or at least a significant
numebr of people. Otherwise we'll just be clogging their review queue

I've requested access as an individual, for what that's worth.

I've also got feedback from larjona on IRC, saying she didn't have time
to work on this yet, but ping'd the team to see if someone else
will. Otherwise she might be able to review our work in January.

I wonder if we could consider more automation here to remove the manual
push/pull process, because it seems it will be a significant source of
friction in our process in the future...

Anyways, hopefully we'll figure out a workflow soon enough. :)


Gods don't like people not doing much work. People who aren't busy all
the time might start to think.
                        - Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

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