On Mon, Apr 01, 2019 at 02:29:23PM +0200, Pierre Fourès wrote:
Now that Jessie is in LTS and that jessie-updates/ is gone, does this
also mean there won't be any other updates to tzdata, clamav, or
similar (timely dependent's) packages ?



Or if still updated, where does we got them from ? I guess it's not
from security updates ?

On 01.04.19 13:40, Holger Levsen wrote:
from LTS.

to clarify:

this is LTS:

deb http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main

formerly security (only) updates.

this is gone:

deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ jessie-updates main

formerly volatile.

We have asked if it's going to be re-added, even if empty, to avoid people
using jessie from seeing errors when updateing package lists.

do I have to fill a bugreport to get it back?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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