
On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 2:05 PM Ola Lundqvist <o...@inguza.com> wrote:
> 3) Merge the normal release with the security release (takes the latest)

Yeah, the goal is to cover all sorts of releases (normal, -pu, security) and
get the highest version amongst them.

> 4) Compare the two merged sets and check if the later release has any
> entry that is lower than the older release. Output those as "package version".

I think we shouldn't wait for when the package in the older release
has a greater version but check them *before*. That is, those packages
having the same version in ELTS & LTS or LTS & LTS+1 should be
flagged. This means, if they're added to {ela,dla}-needed, they should
either warrant a DSA upload or a -pu upload along with the DLA or ELA.
Hope that makes sense?

- u

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