On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 10:58:42PM +0200, Steffen Möller wrote:
>> Debian Med was *before* Ubuntu even existed
> and that is why it has its name.

Well, I hope that my statement were not interpreted as contra Ubuntu

>> and thus it was at least not possible to target at supporting Ubuntu.
> The people's front of Judea?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb_qHP7VaZE

While I like this I do not think that it fits my mail.  I support Ubuntu
in the same way as I support Fedora, OpenSuSE or others.  (BTW, I'm
reasing the relevant medical list of these distros as well and try to
give helpful hints.) They can simply deb2rpm our debs and viola - it
might work ... or not.

When I talk about *support* I take over *responsibility* for my work and
I only can take over this if I have some knowledge about the technique
and the process behind.  So I'm happy if things work for others and I
try to fix bug reports coming from Ubuntu as fast as possible (if you
want a recent proof just look at the time span the latest bugs in the
texmaker package (#624613 and #625819, the later one was *only*
affecting Ubuntu) - that's probably faster fixed than an average Debian
bugs gets maintainer response.  I hope that this qualifies as
"Ubuntu-friendly" - but Ubuntu is simply not my main focus for a simple
reason: My spare time allows just to really understand one system to a
level where I can deliver what I call _support_.

>> It has truned out that most of Debian's application packages just work
>> on Ubuntu - but it was neither intended nor tested specifically.  There
>> are people out there who say: Ubuntu is Debian - but untested.  In this
>> way Debian Med packages are working on Ubuntu.
> [..deleted my first reply here saying the obvious trying actively to
>    understand Andreas ...]
> The packaging when done right most likely runs about everywhere. In that
> sense, it is distribution-agnostic. A submission to Debian is for the time
> being the only way to have an automatism in place to see the package
> distributed to all the derivative distros from there.

The weak point in your arguing is the "most likely".  For me support is
not a fuzzy term but binary in terms of yes it works or no it does not
work.  You have good chances that something works is putting the burden
of the risk that it does not work on the shoulders of the user.

> So, I would tend to understand Debian Med now as a subversion and git
> repository for packaging instructions. From there, Tim is submitting directly
> to his Ubuntu PPA - surprise? I submitted my first package for Lucid to
> the Debian Med PPA today. Worked ... nicely. But yet, the typical workflow
> is to have the packages sent to Debian unstable and when there is not
> just a freeze, the packages quickly move further.

I never said that I would be surprised if something works like this.

>> So while we are happy if Debian Med packages just work on Ubuntu we can
>> not give any guarantee that this is the case in every detail (I
>> personally just can not because I'm not running any Ubuntu machine and
>> thus can not test).
> I can. And do.

That's perfectly fine.

Kind regards



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