Dear all,

Good news: Friday the 26th to Sunday the 28th of January 2018, a room
is reserved for us in BARCELONA (
to accommodate the annual Debian Med Sprint. Our local host is
Cedric Notredame who many of you know for his work on sequence
alignments.  We will be directly at the sea again, the city is well
known for its Biotech industry, so let us hope for a fruitful time
together and to make new good contacts with the local community.

It is our somewhat traditional "end of January-ish" date, so I hope
this suits you all. We took care not to overlap with FOSDEM this
year, which is the week after. Shout out if there is something
conflicting that we have missed.

An early draft of the accompanying Wiki page is at
As every year, please kindly add yourselves as participants and
mention what you want to work on. With that info we can then screen
for the typical family-run hotel to host us and have the basic info
to request for support on the Debian Sprints mailing list.

It is just 2 1/2 months from now and I am very much looking
forward to it already. I know that for many regular contributors
to Debian Med living on other continents these these European
meetings seems somewhat unfortunate, but then again - it is
not _that_ much more expensive when booking early, so please
consider to join in.

Bienvenido a Barcelona also in the name of Cedric


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