On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 01:02:10PM +0100, Steffen Möller wrote:
> Hello,
> On 17.11.17 11:50, Sascha Steinbiss wrote:
> > Just for the record: I will definitely be at FOSDEM which means I would
> > not be able to attend the sprint in case of a collision.
> And there are likely others who we have yet not reached with our Sprint
> because of that. Or we learn that there are no others: Let us avoid that
> collision - and let us avoid further confusion and not change the date
> again.

I can cope with this, just lets end the date discussion I have triggered.

> > Agreed. I would like that as well :) If not an Andreas' place, then
> > maybe somewhere more accessible?
> Like an "either in the mountains or at an Airport"-theme? I'd be up for
> that.
> We could also occupy seminar rooms at University Clinics. Or we visit the
> big pharma's research centers (not that these could be easily reached).
> Is there someone out there who is mentally prepared to shape that second
> meeting?

I'm all for another meeting but I would like to stay away from organising
since the time I could spent for Debian Med issues is sufficiently occupied
by packaging, bug fixing etc. 

Thanks to everybody who wants to take over



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