On Fri, Jul 06, 2018 at 07:11:42PM +0300, Liubov Chuprikova wrote:
> > I made an effort to build on i386 after declaring of `uint64_msbit`.
> However, it still failed to compile *fasterq-dump *which is a new tool that
> appered in 2.9.1. The error was:
> ..sra-sdk-2.9.1-1+dfsg/tools/fasterq-dump/progress_thread.c:43:10: fatal
> error: atomic64.h: No such file or directory
> Just providing atomic64.h does not solve the problem: this file declares
> other functions for 64-bit atomics and I also do not know how the
> operations can be done for 32-bit. So one option that I see is to exclude
> *fasterq-dump* from a list of tools for 32-bit architectures, particularly
> as there is *fastq-dump* with the same functionality.
> What would you suggest?

My guess is that leaving out a certain binary for certain architectures
is rather a technical exercise for you than of any relevant practival
effect for our users.  So if you want to undergo this exercise (which is
not necessrily a stupid idea) feel free to do so.  If you feel your time
is better spent with something else we should simply drop i386 which has
lost practical relevance (I do not say that I really like that fact and
I know good reasons why we should try hard to support all architectures
but its a fact anyway).

Kind regards

> > [1]
> > https://github.com/ncbi/ncbi-vdb/commit/ec24d0c332cdb738a2f4516ad8bf53dd55743457
> > [2]
> > https://github.com/ncbi/ncbi-vdb/blob/f016c209f0a348136abce1966d8a74932eb47658/interfaces/cc/gcc/x86_64/arch-impl.h#L138
> > [3]
> > https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=ncbi-vdb&arch=i386&ver=2.9.1-1%2Bdfsg-1&stamp=1530160846&raw=0
> >


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