On 09/17/2018 05:36 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 04:55:50PM +0200, Olivier Sallou wrote:
>> I can't find any git update on salsa for htsjdk (last update 1 month
>> ago), forgot to push?
> Ups, please check again.
better, but getting errors:

gbp:info: Creating /opt/debian/build-area/htsjdk_2.16.1+dfsg.orig.tar.xz
gbp:error: Error creating htsjdk_2.16.1+dfsg.orig.tar.xz: Pristine-tar
couldn't checkout "htsjdk_2.16.1+dfsg.orig.tar.xz": fatal: Path
'htsjdk_2.16.1+dfsg.orig.tar.xz.delta' does not exist in

> BTW, regarding picard-tools.
> The patch
> --- build.gradle
> +++ build.gradle
> @@ -68,13 +64,14 @@
>          exclude module: 'htsjdk'
>      }
>      compile 'com.google.guava:guava:15.0'
> +    compile 'org.broadinstitute:gatk-native-bindings:debian'
>      compile 'com.github.samtools:htsjdk:' + htsjdkVersion
>      compile 'org.broadinstitute:barclay:2.0.0'
>      compileOnly googleNio
>      // javadoc utilities; compile/test only to prevent redistribution of sdk 
> jars
> did not applied.  It seemed to me that upstream found some replacement.
> I also tried adding it with no change of the issue.
> Kind regards
>        Andreas.

Olivier Sallou
Univ Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA
Irisa, Campus de Beaulieu

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