On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 04:46:08PM +0100, Tony Travis wrote:
> These, as with the out-of-date "Abyss" package in Ubuntu 18.04 all seem to
> be consequences of the same "no rolling release" policy of Ubuntu and do not
> reflect in any way a criticism of Debian. I've got backports enabled, but it
> makes no difference. As Steffen said, in an ideal world we would not need to
> use the PPA's, but as a practical way forward we need to because Ubuntu
> 18.04 is not going to sync with the latest Debian packages that, as you
> said, _are_ using R 3.5.

Well, I *personally* think that your decision to rely on those PPA and
hardly upgradable releases is asking for trouble at some point in time.
You are refusing the help of the men power of the Debian Med team who is
usually as quick as backports ftpmaster response to provide needed
backports.  But that's your decision and should not be discussed here.
> Sorry again about the false alarm asking Debian-Med to package the three R
> libraries that I needed. They are fully supported in the CRAN 3.5 PPA.
> Hope this doesn't put you off packaging PIQUE!

It seems I did not made my point clear enough.  PIQUE is depending from
those R packages and thus theses need to be packaged before PIQUE.
Luckily this is done and the packages are just waiting for ftpmaster.
The same is true for EMMAX (I mean the same way this is needed - thanks
to https://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2019/03/msg00085.html we hopefully
can make ftpmaster accepting it).

Please confirm that you understood that a package can only exist in
Debian if all its preconditions are packaged. 

Kind regards



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