Andreas Tille <> writes:

> I think it was some enhancement to follow Aarons hint to use blastdb
> format 5.  However, the test keeps in failing for i386 and armhf
> architecture.  For armhf the log[1] says:

Ugh, it looks like format 5 is architecture-dependent -- attempting to
point a 32-bit binary at a V5 database from a 64-bit binary fails with

  Error: mdb_env_open: MDB_INVALID: File is not an LMDB file

even if I regenerate the database with BLASTDB_LMDB_MAP_SIZE set to a
32-bit-friendly value, as does attempting to point a 64-bit binary at a
V5 database from a 32-bit binary.

metastudent-data is far too large to make architecture-dependent if we
have any other recourse, so it looks like we should explicitly use V4
here after all; as previously noted, this would entail replacing the
formatdb command with

  makeblastdb -dbtype prot -in "$<" -out "$(@:.psq=)"

I see a few other binary packages that contain BLAST databases and may
need similar treatment:

  emboss-test (needs checking)
  hhsuite (architecture-dependent, so presumably OK)
  hmmer-examples (needs checking)
  kleborate (architecture-dependent, so presumably OK)
  ncbi-data (known safe, shipping pregenerated V4 databases)
  ncbi-rrna-data (ditto)
  openms-doc (needs checking)
  staden-common (needs checking)

I'll take a closer look when I get a chance.

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at |

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