Hi Gianfranco,

On Mon, Nov 07, 2016 at 03:57:27PM +0000, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> >When doing a websearch this might mean that the JS contains errors - but
> >it seems there is a different converter which has no problems.  Before
> >I start debugging what exactly happens in "npm install" I wonder whether
> >comebody could enlighten me what's the best way to get the minimized JS.
> npm install is something like pip install, or ruby gems install (or whatever
> are called).
> In this case, just package it separately as js module and use it.
> pkg-javascript has a lot (almost all of them) of single js libraries packaged
> separately and with a dh helper that does most of the work

Are you sure that it makes sense to add more and more JS packages - its
simply for a single package dependency for the moment.  However, if
somebody confirms that this package is sensible also for other purposes
I might fire up npm2deb ...

Kind regards



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