Dear David,

On Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 05:17:29PM +0000, David Hart wrote:
> Dear Sean,
> Thank you for your comments.
> >I'd recommend including the upstream code in the git repository, too.
> >But what you've done is fine -- thanks!
> I've now added that too.

I think you misunderstood what I was suggesting.  You've committed the
tarball to git, but I meant adding the unpacked upstream source.

Unfortunately, your change means that I can't build your package from
the git repository, so it's hard for me to continue my review.  Please
consider using gbp-import-dsc(1), or reverting to only having debian/ in
git if you prefer.

Also, the Vcs-* fields still point to the upstream source, not the
packaging repository.

Sean Whitton

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