// removed items that I have no comments on.
[2018-10-27 20:12] Piper McCorkle <zebmccor...@asymptote.club>
> >  * Build-depend on debhelper >= 11~ (mind the tilde). Be nice to
> >    backporters.

Just recently discovered, that debhelper introduced new syntax for
compat: Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 11), and `debian/compat'
is no longer used. Not significant, just FYI. See debhelper(7).

> >  * There seems to be typos in zeyple.1
> I can't seem to find any typos, could you give an example?


 * In BUGS section, https:// part of URL to upstream bugtracker seems
   ito be missing.
 * In FILES section, `/etc/foo.conf' is referenced. I believe it have
   to be `/etc/zeyple.conf'
 * DESCRIPTION section is rather non-informative. Maybe you could use
   something from README on github?
 * According to `zeyple/zeyple.py:278', SYNOPSIS should a least mention

        zeyplin [recepient ...]

There is also following issues, I did not noticed last time
{or they did not exist}

  * Your identities in debian/control and debian/changelog differs.
    Debian tools compare not only emails, but full name too.
  * You build-depends on dh-exec, but seems to not actually use it.
  * You package does not build twice, since `dh_clean' does not
    clean __pycache__ after previous build. Consider something like

        rm -r tests/__pycache__ zeyple/__pycache__

    debhelper automatically manages this for packages, that use
    setuputils. Probably worth discussing with upstream?
  * It seems that zeyple is new package. So it must have revision -1
    and you have to remove all entries for next revisions. Revision
    reflects changes between versions, uploaded into Archives.

  * Urgency of new packages is always low (`debian/changelog':23)

All above apply to commit b6c366.

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