El 27/12/22 a las 12:28, Barry Scott escribió:
How do I go from a installed package and find its debian source?

On a Debian/Ubuntu system, if you have deb-src lines in your 

apt-get source source-package-name

will retrieve the source and unpack it automatically.

If you don't have deb-src lines, they are the same as the usual deb lines
except that they begin with deb-src. For example, I have this in a sid
chroot used to build packages:

deb http://deb.debian.org/debian sid main contrib non-free
deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian sid main contrib non-free

Hope this helps.

Note: As explained by Ole, if your program is libre, it is in the
best interest of everyone that you try to package it for Debian,
not just for yourself.

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