Enrico Zini dijo [Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 04:04:40PM +0100]:
> How about an upside down approach instead?
>  1. Take all questions from the templates.
>  2. Use http://ddportfolio.debian.net/ and the
> [[http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/nm/trunk/nm-templates/minechangelogs|minechangelogs]]
>     script to look for comprehensive Debian activity; if found,
>     remove the questions about those things that you can see the
>     applicant already knows.
>     For really good candidates, this can mean going all the way to
>     removing all T&S and Procedures, and just include in the AM report
>     the output of minechangelogs and the other things that you found.
>     Don't waste the time of excellent people.
>  3. If comprehensive Debian activity is not easily seen, ask the
>     advocate to provide links to external or non-visible activity: maybe
>     there is much more than meets the eye. If found, remove the
>     questions that you can see the applicant already knows.
>  4. Ask the questions that remain, or give practical tasks on those
>     remaining areas that you'd like to explore with the applicant.
>     If no activity in or outside Debian is found, it may be a better
>     idea to not ask any question at all and just reject the applicant.
>     Discuss with the advocate if unsure.
> Is this way clearer?

Way better, IMHO. I fully welcome and second the proposal. That will
give us much better opportunity to really interact in a non-bot-like
fashion with applicants and focus on what is actually useful and

Gunnar Wolf • gw...@gwolf.org • (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244

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