
work on nm.debian.org has continued, bringing a few interesting changes that
need an announcement.

 * New simplified advocacy procedure

In order to advocate people who are DMs or have a guest account in Debian
machines (who therefore already have a page on nm.debian.org), any DD can look
up their record[1], login[2], click on "advocate for DD" and follow the
instructions. If this is done for a person who isn't in the NM process, the
person will automatically be starting a NM process.

Note that once you submit the advocacy, a copy of it will be sent to the public
debian-newmaint@lists.debian.org mailing list.

This should make advocacies much more convenient.

People who do not have an entry in the system can still join NM by mailing
Front Desk as described in [3].

[1] https://nm.debian.org/public/findperson/
[2] The DD needs to have their webpassword set, which every DD can do at
[3] https://nm.debian.org/public/newnm

 * No more AM reports

AM reports were a bit of a burden of bureaucracy, and it has been the case that
applications got stuck for considerable time waiting for the AM to have the
time to write the report.

Let us fix that: forget about writing the AM reports! With the authentication
and the log-based progress tracking in the new website, we realised that uh,
actually, they are not needed anymore. Hooray!

To approve an applicant, now you can just set the applicant progress to "AM
ok", taking care of leaving a few lines of comments in the log entry and then
send the mailbox of your communication with the NM to FrontDesk/DAM.

Emailing the applicant bio to debian-newmaint is still a good idea, as it is a
great way to introduce new developers to the project. The site will draft the
email for you when you click on "Approve applicant".

 * Miscellaneous fixes

'login' now works properly: after login you get redirected back to the page you
were in.

There is unfortunately a big fat "Access denied" warning in the login screen:
please feel free to submit patches to DACS to add an option to make it go away.

 * AMs needed

We currently have quite a backlog of people in need of an AM, and all AMs are
very busy: we need more AMs.

The process has been rather simplified over the years: the templates have been
greatly reduced[1], T&S has become optional for people with substantial visible
activity[2], the AM report is almost gone.

I begin to feel like a reasonable time estimate for processing an experienced
applicant is in the order of 3 or 4 hours, and if you find yourself needing
more, then:

 * perhaps the applicant is not experienced enough: you can ask them to go back
   to doing some more work and put them on hold for a few months, then later on
   check their progress on minechangelogs;
 * please get in touch with Front Desk: we can have a look, see what's
   going wrong, and possibly work out some useful tips.

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-newmaint/2010/10/msg00002.html
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/FrontDesk/Tips

Enrico (for Front Desk and DAM)

GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enr...@enricozini.org>

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