> So, why not use https://salsa.debian.org/ ?
> GitLab is an imitation of GitHub, but not as good as it. GitLab has lacking
> features. In particular, GitHub has features for organization management,
> including team management and project boards (kanban):
>  - https://help.github.com/articles/about-organizations/
>  -
> https://help.github.com/categories/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/
>  - https://help.github.com/articles/about-project-boards/
> I did not see on salsa anything like these at all, maybe I have missed
> them. These features are exactly why I am proposing to use GitHub, and
> salsa does not have them at all.
> So, why not give GitHub a try?

GitLab has features for for organization management, including team management 
and project boards (kanban). For example, see 
https://about.gitlab.com/features/issueboard/ and https://docs.gitlab.com/e

Actually, GitLab has more features than GitHub. See 
https://about.gitlab.com/features/. I really like GitLab Service Desk, 
https://about.gitlab.com/features/service-desk/, because it allows
communication with users that don't have a GitLab account. And you can make 
issues private when you can't in GitHub. This should be a project decision and 
not a platform decision.

If some features aren't available in Salsa it is probably because (1) it isn't 
available in the Community Edition or (2) it was disabled by Salsa admins. So 
far, GitLab did collaborate with some
projects, in special Gnome, to move some features from the Enterprise Edition 
to the Community Edition. If the feature you need is in the Enterprise Edition 
I suggest to reach out to GitLab.


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