On Sat, 14 Aug 1999, Julio wrote:

> To accommodate local initialization scripts in Debian, one must add these 
> scripts in /etc/init.d and update-rc.d. Thus scripts installed by packages 
> and local scripts to share the same directories.
> I propose the creation of some directories to hold the local initialization 
> scripts and separate them from the initialization scripts installed by 
> packages. One possible approach would be to use /usr/local/etc/init.d or 
> /etc/rc.local to contain scripts to be executed after all the scripts in 
> /etc/rc?.d and /usr/local/etc/rcS.d or /etc/rcS.local to contain scripts to 
> be executed just after the scripts in /etc/rcS.d (to allow hardware 
> configuration, for example).

What I have done in a few situations is put my local scripts in
/root/init.d and symlinks in the /etc/rc?.d directories. I was dealing
with getting the order of events correct and hardware initialization
delays. How would we deal with a set of /usr/local/etc/rc?.d scripts?
Would all /etc/rc4.d scripts be executed and then all /usr/local/etc/rc4.d
scripts follow that?

My current way of dealing with this allows precise control of what happens
in what order. If /root is a bad place to keep things call me ignorant,
but it has worked so far.


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