On Sat, 14 Aug 1999, Julio wrote:

> To accommodate local initialization scripts in Debian, one must add
> these scripts in /etc/init.d and update-rc.d. Thus scripts installed
> by packages and local scripts to share the same directories.

I don't think that is really a problem.  Having two different
directories for this would only mean, that you run in problems, when
you have a Debian package and the same program installed in
/usr/local, because you will miss that there are two versions in
different directories.  If both share /etc/init.d, this risk is a
little bit smaller.

> I propose the creation of some directories to hold the local
> initialization scripts and separate them from the initialization
> scripts installed by packages. One possible approach would be to use
> /usr/local/etc/init.d or /etc/rc.local to contain scripts to be
> executed after all the scripts in /etc/rc?.d

Why should they be executed _after_ the other scripts?  This makes
your idea inflexible, because with this you won't have the chance to
start some "local" service _before_ some Debian service is started.
For example you may set up a "local" script which configures your
firewall.  This script should be run _before_ starting any networking
daemons (which are brought to you by Debian, so they are started in

I personally don't like your proposal because it is inflexible and
causes confusion (I always have to search two places...).  I don't see
why I should not place local init scripts in /etc/init.d and only one
/etc/runlevel.conf (the file-rc alternative to /etc/rc?.d/*) gives me
a chance to coordinate all init scripts instead of having 2nd class
scripts in /usr/local/etc/init.d.



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