> > using debian stable for the last year now... and am still stuck with
> > mozilla 1.0.0 .. are there any other apt-sources that i can add such
> > that i can update mozilla to 1.4 - or even better get a binary of
> > Phoenix?
> This really sucks right now in Debian, agreed. The ports of greater
> popularity gets hold by the compilation speed and technical problems of
> other ports. :-(

Well, I'll rise to the bait ...

Please keep in mind that compilation speed and technical problems of other
ports is exactly what brought you today's support architecture of build
dependencies, build-from-source systems like sbuild, autobuilders, just to
name a few. Hell, Debian on m68k Macs was there before Debian on Powermacs
and other PowerPC machines.

Package quality has improved a huge lot over the years, but there's still
a lot to be done. And the more architectures to shake out bugs on, the

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