On 08/21/2017 07:07 AM, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
Le vendredi, 18 août 2017, 10.17:09 h CEST Till Kamppeter a écrit :
This release is mainly clean-up: Update README, silence compiler
warnings, use C++11 standard for Poppler-based filters, use relative
symbolic links to make Snap-packaging easier.

Thanks for the update. I'm confused by this change:

--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ libfontembed_la_SOURCES = \
  libfontembed_la_LDFLAGS = \
         -no-undefined \
-       -version-info 1
+       -version-info 2

  ttfread_SOURCES = fontembed/main.c
  ttfread_LDADD = libfontembed.la

This is a SOVERSION bump of libfontembed from 1 to 2, for reasons I can't find
from the changelog. This implies a renaming of the libfontembed1 binary
package to libfontembed2 (and a passage through NEW).

Is that bump really needed or is it just a mistake?


It happened during my warning clean-up. I wanted to get rid of all the warning and one warning complained about an unnamed union in the libfontembed, I did not succeed to solve this without naming the union, but then the apps using this library (it is only texttopdf and nothing outside cups-filters) needed to be changed, too, meaning that we have an API change.

It is the following change:

=== modified file 'fontembed/fontfile.h'
--- fontembed/fontfile.h        2011-11-22 19:06:11 +0000
+++ fontembed/fontfile.h        2017-08-15 18:32:47 +0000
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
   union {
     int fobj;
     void *user;
-  };
+  } fo;

 typedef struct _FONTFILE FONTFILE;

Which causes the changes in filter/texttopdf.c.

All this happened in BZR rev. 7676.

What is the best to do in such a case? Or how should I solve it the best way?


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