Le jeudi 10 septembre 2009 à 00:57 +0100, Steve McIntyre a écrit : 
> 1 New hardware / equipment
>    a The DSA team have a wishlist of new hardware they'd like […]

Full ack. Hardware is not that expensive, lack of hardware should not
hold back any of our development.

> b Maintainers of big packages might benefit a lot if we can
>      loan/donate big machines to them to make things faster. Should
>      be an easy thing to work out - nominate such people please!

We could also think of hardware for some specific tasks. We would need
too much for the kernel team, but for example, wouldn’t Xorg developers
win from having one graphics card from each major series from the main
hardware vendors?

> 2 Fund developer gatherings:
>    a Teams interested in a face to face meeting […]
>    b More money for DebConf travel sponsorship […]

Given the compared efficiency of both kinds of meetings, I think we
should favor more specific meetings (like the Extramadura ones) rather
than Debconf, which could end up sucking all our money given the number
of participants, for little added benefit.

> 3 Legal costs
>    a Pay for legal advice if needed. We have some cover for legal
>      advice via SPI, but we may need to ask for more than the pro bono
>      services might be able to give us.

We could already make more use of the SPI legal advice. There have been
quite a number of cases where we did not have enough expertise, and
where we were left in the dark.

> 4 Marketing stuff:
[Lots of nice but expensive stuff]

This kind of thing should be encouraged, but maybe with a different pool
of funds. I’d be all for creating a specific entity gathering funds for
marketing operations if there is enough interest in it.

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'   “I recommend you to learn English in hope that you in
  `-     future understand things”  -- Jörg Schilling

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