On 15409 March 1977, Sam Hartman wrote:

Imagine that I get a note from a random developer saying they have
removed my blog from planet.  I understand what they are saying enough
to believe it is not vandalism; they honestly believe I did something
wrong.  I can't understand from their message how they hope I'd fix it.

I cannot engage with them in what I think is a timely manner.

They copied the planet admins who have not gotten involved in the

We may just want to wait to see the other side comment.

Now, Planet is kind of a special thing here, with its config being
deliberately editable by everyone in the Debian group on salsa. Yes, we
DO have the rule to modify YOUR OWN entry or that of someone you

And that is what happens in >99% of the cases. The "some random someone
modifies others without consent" is not really a case. So less so that I
think this whole thread already wasted more energy than it is worth. By
a lot. Look at the git log of planets config, ignoring my recent
removals of dead entries, you won't see other people randomly removing
stuff. And if they modify other people, you find "by request" or

The one case back when which made you start this was also not done by
some random meatbag out there and the log message even said so. (Please,
validity of AH team with/without delegation is for another thread).

So I do not really see any big problem here that needs to be solved. We
certainly have way bigger ones to tackle.

Still, lets see...

What should I do?

1) Add the blog back myself, asking the person to appeal to the planet
admins if they still think my blog should not be present?

2) Ask the planet admins to respond to the situation and either help me
understand the problem or add my blog back.

Both of them are good. I think #2 might be better, especially if its
marked like that one case in the past. May ensure heat not going up

In my mind the question pops up because we have two conflicting things.
It's not really clear that random developers should be removing blogs
from planet.  On the other hand planet is a shared service and if there
really is a critical issue, it's better to get it fixed.

However, revert wars are antisocial in and of themselves.

One revert is not a war. One revert MAY make other people angry, so meh,
not directly reverting may be the better way.

Anyways, I do not think we need much more rules currently for planet. It
works pretty nicely. Assume common sense, it's what I as an admin do.


- If a blog appears hacked and spams planet - anyone is fine to remove
  it ASAP, do not wait for admins. (Happened)
- If someone asks you to modify or remove their entry, fine, go. (Happened)
- If you see a merge request on salsa for planet where someone wants to
  change their stuff - go go go, apply it, anyone (in Debian group)
  can. (Happened)
- If you happen to login to the planet-master machine, read the planet
  logs and spot stuff like NXDOMAIN or HTTP 500/404/... errors, feel
  free to remove it (or make it a MR), with a log msg along "Removed,
  NXDOMAIN", so its clear why it got removed.
- For anything else think twice if it needs direct action, if not, mail
  planet admin.

bye, Joerg

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