Hi Sam

On 2019/10/02 23:33, Sam Hartman wrote:
> Tl;DR: I think that the Mini-DebConf and Sprint process are working
> great and have no plans to revisit those procedures.
> But we can discuss whether we need to do that.

I don't think it's working great. Earlier this year my request for
travel re-reimbursement got declined because I have "already received
funding to attend another sprint earlier in the year".

Perhaps it's even a fair enough reason, but if it is it would make sense
to have that codified in some policy.

The way such requests are dealt with right now does not appear to be
fair or consistent at all, and it seems that it would make sense to fix


  ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀  Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) <jcc>
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