On 2020-08-14 at 20:27 +0200, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Seems we are talking about several things here:
>  a) trusting an identity _without_ relying on governmental proof
>  b) proving an identity using fake governmental proof
> It is my understanding that a) is illegal and punishable in many
> legal 
> jurisdictions.
> It is my understanding that b) is currently tolerated in Debian but
> only 
> exceptionally, and we are currently discussing if we should tolerate
> it 
> more generally.
> I do believe that a) matters for Debian in discussing b), because the 
> risk of punishment is an expense, and the more expensive it is to
> twist 
> and bend rules the more likely those rules are followed and can 
> therefore be trusted.
>  - Jonas

I think you meant to order them the opposite way...

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