* Raphael Hertzog ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060619 21:08]:
> On Mon, 19 Jun 2006, Andreas Barth wrote:
> > We shouldn't have two vastly different ways to do it.
> Life would be best if we had already taken a decision... we know this but it 
> is
> not going to happen until we have more experience with both python-central and
> python-support.

My impression was that we *did* a decision how to handle the
meta-information, and just didn't decide about the implementation.

> The common part is quite clear:
> - everything in one python-foo
> - the dependencies that have to be generated
> The new field is not part of the common part. For technical reasons, we
> have to find a way to differentiate clearly between new policy and old
> policy and for this the best approach suggested is the idea of Pierre
> Habouzit, a Standards-Version field dedicated to Python. It's the smallest
> common denominator that I have found on which both parties could agree.

A Standards-Version-Header is definitly a good idea, I agree on that.
However, I'd really like to see more information in the control-part -
like we see e.g. the maintainer or build-dependencies listed there
(without the real technical need, all that could be extracted from
debian/control as well).

> I only know two reasons for those headers:
> - python-central use them for its internal work
> - it may help track a transition and discover which packages need to be
>   updated
> BTW, the syntax of the Python-Version field comes directly from
> python-central and it has not been discussed if the current syntax is the
> best needed to achieve the second point. 

Obviously, nobody hit by the second purpose (which includes me) has any
issue with the current syntax. Otherwise, I would have said something.

> I can easily find out packages which need to be updated for a python
> transition by looking for packages with a dependency "python (<< 2.X)".

not necessarily, if we e.g. just add a new python suite - i.e. at the
start of a transition. Also, sometimes one wants to check what problems
will occur without doing the transition at the same time.

You could equally well argue that we don't need build-dependencies
listed - anybody who wants to build a package will need to download
source anyways, and will find out. Neverthelesse, they have proven to be
quite successfull.


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