Howdy all,

Specific questions in a previous thread have led me to believe that
I'm misuderstanding how Debian is supposed to interact with Python

The package I'm working on has its own Makefile; this includes a
'build' rule (to build documentation, move executable files around,
and build the egg using Setuptools), and an 'install' rule (to install
the documentation, executables and egg).

The Python source is under a 'src/' subdirectory, and is structured to
make development and testing easier. But it contains unit tests and
other files that shouldn't be in the resulting installation, hence the
'build' step to copy out the files necessary for installation, and the
'install' step to actually install.

The package can be got using Bazaar (across a slow home ADSL link):

    $ bzr branch

(Note that currently the 'install' rule has been omitted from the
Makefile, because I'm still figuring out how these should work
together. The questions still stand though.)

How should the Debian packaging files interact with this? Examples
I've seen for using python-central have the egg being built in the
Debian-specific debian/rules targets, but this is clearly duplication
if the upstream Makefile already builds an egg. And what about
installation -- patch the existing Makefile, or work around it?

In normal (non-Debian) usage of Setuptools, a user will generate an
egg that is specific to a Python version, and install that; this isn't
what's needed by python-central, though. But surely the answer isn't
essentially duplication of the build-an-egg step between the upstream
Makefile and debian/rules ?

These are questions that seem at a level typical for debian-mentors,
but it's all specific to Debian packaging of Python packages, so I'm
asking here.

 \             "Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted."  -- Groucho Marx |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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