I've done enough experimentation to feel confident in my opinion that the team
should adopt git-dpm as its git packaging regime.

Note that this is just my personal opinion.  I look forward to feedback from
other team members and interested parties, either for or against my
recommendation.  I've only considered git-dpm and gbp-pq since the other
technologies (e.g. dgit + git-debcherry) don't seem to be viable right now in
unstable.  git-debcherry in particular does not seem to be part of the
released gitpkg package (although it's in upstream's git repo).

Both git-dpm and gbp-pq have discomforts, and I would consider contributing to
either project to help smooth out some edges.  Despite those, git-dpm seems
like the best workflow, the easiest to describe and comprehend, and the more
robust of the regimes.  IMHO, git-dpm's downsides are: its tag names (I prefer
them with slashes), some minor missing features (import-dscs command and
--uscan option), and the fact that it's written in shell.  I'm fairly
comfortable with shell hacking, but take a look at git-dpm and tell me that
doesn't just scream for a more comprehensible re-implementation in Python 3. :)

Even with those complaints, git-dpm feels like the better tool for team
package management in git.  The problems are minor and probably easily

I look forward to other opinions.


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