> > The most proper packaging would require grunt to be able to rebuild
> > bokeh.js. I was wondering if releasing the pypi version would be good
> > enough. (The package does at least contain a non-minimized version of
> > bokeh.js)
> I'm not sure about this, but it looks like the Bokeh source is a
> huge directory of coffeescript files, while the resulting
> bokeh.js is not the source code. So build is: 1. coffee -> js
> 2. concat all js. Maybe its possible without grunt, just like
> Antonio did with jQuery?

That's a good idea. I'll investigate.

> Yes, but please fix the long description. It starts with
> "Abstract Rendering takes the opposite approach:" which confused
> me :~)

Good point

> > Should I work on getting
> > blaze submitted?
> If blaze is only needed for the tests, I suggest to postpone it.
> (What is blaze anyway?)

As far as I could tell blaze is an implementation of a subset of the 
numpy/pandas API for talking to like databases and csv files


There's several things that spun off and became dependencies of blaze. 
Probably one of the cooler is Dask. which is multi-core/out of memory numpy 
arrays & pandas dataframes with some kind of remote execution scheduler.

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