Hi Tiago,

On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 01:19:46PM -0300, Tiago Ilieve wrote:
>> - lintian complains about site/js/bootstrap.min.js, AFAIKT the "site"
>> folder  contains the project's website. Maybe you would like to remove
>> it by repacking the source tarball.
> There's a patch[1] adding sources for bootstrap CSS/JS minified files,
> but this doesn't makes much sense, right? They aren't included in
> binary, nor the orig source tarball. I can repack it as a
> DSFG-compatible tarball, but would like to receive a second opinion
> about the mentioned patch, confirming if it is really useless.

I think it's better to put the missing sources in debian/missing-sources/
directory rather than patching them in.

(That is also suggested by the Lintian error description[1], and should
make that error disappear.)

[1] https://lintian.debian.org/tags/source-is-missing.html

>> - It's more accurate to use "Expat" instead of "MIT" in d/copyright.
> I respectfully disagree with you at this point, as I had already
> talked about it on "debian-mentors" last month[3]. In this case
> there's even an additional detail: the copyrighted files specifically
> uses the "MIT" name for the license. Using a different name under
> "debian/copyright" would be an inconsistency.

According to the copyright format specification[2]:

| There are many versions[3] of the MIT license. Please use Expat[4] instead,
| when it matches.

[2] https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License#Various_versions
[4] http://www.jclark.com/xml/copying.txt

Dmitry Shachnev

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