
Ondrej, thank you for the quick reaction.  I've read the policy.  So far
(for my unofficial packages) I haven't been using pristine tar tool,
trusting PyPI to store the official release tarballs.  The package is
configured such that the pristine tars can be downloaded using the
command 'gbp import-orig --uscan'.  I find this approach more elegant
compared to the hack that is pristine-tar.

I've also kept the full upstream history in the upstream branch,
assuming this to be more robust and powerful.  For example, this allows
to directly cherry-pick commits into the patch queue.

Since both these practices are discouraged by the policy, I'm ready to
give them up, but before I spend time working on it, I would like to ask
whether tinyarray could be exempt from any one of both rules.  According
with the policy, I would provide a debian/README.source file with the
above rationale and instructions.


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