On Sun, 30 Dec 2018 at 02:12, Pierre-Elliott Bécue <p...@debian.org> wrote:
> Le dimanche 30 décembre 2018 à 02:01:28+0100, Pierre-Elliott Bécue a écrit :
> > [snip]
> ## python-project-generator-definitions: uploaded
>  1) I uploaded a bit fast. It's not a big issue but could you consider
>     removing the explicit python3 dependencies from the binary package's
>     Depends field? Normally debhelper finds the appropriate list from
>     python3:depends meta-dependency, using install_requires field of
>     setup.py.


> ## python-project-generator:
>  1) I wonder why you removed the alternative entry point.

I dropped it to be consistent with
python3-project-generator-definitions which only provides a single
entrypoint in the same "namespace". I also thought the longer
entrypoint name was somewhat cumbersome.

>  2) Please remove all specific entries for the binary package Depends,
>     except python3-project-generator-definitions (<< 0.3.0):
>     python3:depends drags the others properly.


> I'll upload as soon as this is done, as the package builds properly and
> raises no lintian issue.
> ## valinor:
>  1) You should ask upstream to provide a changelog, even though your
>     changelog.upstream.md is a perfectly fine temporary solution.


>  2) Same about the Depends field of this package, keep gdb of course, as
>     no :depends entry will drag it.


>  3) d/watch: could you use version=4 here or is there an issue?

Bumped to version 4 (I had cribbed from another d/watch file using pypi)

>  4) Is there a good reason for your export PYBUILD_AFTER_INSTALL=mv
>     {destdir}/usr/bin/valinor {destdir}/usr/share/valinor/run in d/rules
>     plus the link for /usr/bin?

The package build attempts to install the script "valinor" into
/usr/share/valinor/valinor/, which it can't because of the naming
conflict. This occurs in a few of the other packages too I think.

> Same as -project-generator, I'll upload as soon as you've answered these
> questions. It builds perfectly otherwise.
> ## python-mbed-ls:
>  1) Same as the others regarding the Depends field of the binary package.


>  2) For the Doxygen patch, you removed the genlatex, I guess it's because
>     you don't want to drag texlive for the building part? I'm fine with
>     this.


> I'll upload as soon as you've answered these questions.
> ## python-mbed-host-tests:
>  1) Same as the others regarding the Depends field, prospectively keeping
>     the versioned dependencies


> I'll upload as soon as you've answered these questions.
> ## mbed-test-wrapper:
>  1) Still the same Depends question. :) keep binutils-arm-none-eabi, of
>     course.

In this instance, the source setup.py file does not declare anything
in install_requires and so the dependencies must be added manually.

I've asked upstream to consider adding explicit dependencies for
mbed-ls and mbed-host-tests:


> I'll upload as soon as you've answered these questions.
> ## python-hgapi
>  1) You should suggest your patches to upstream.

The patches were take from upstream's repository and links to the PRs
are in the patch headers.

> Uploaded.
> ## yotta
>  1) Same old Depends field. You must keep valinor and mbed-test-wrapper at
>     least for now (I think that they'll be matched by the dh magic when
>     they'll be in the archive).


>  2) I wonder why you added python3-openssl and python3-idna to the
>     dependencies, they seem not needed according to setup.py? If you need
>     them, please add them manualy to the Depends field as they won't be
>     dragged by the python3:depends variable. In that case maybe it would be
>     worth do att a README.source in the debian/ directory explaining why
>     these packages are needed. If upstream forgot to add these dependencies,
>     please notify them with a bug report.

I *think* I originally added them because they are suggested deps of
requests. I can't see anything in the source that suggests they are
needed, so I will drop them.

> Summary:
> > >   -> yotta: x
> > >     -> python-hgapi: ./
> > >     -> mbed-test-wrapper: x
> > >       -> python-mbed-host-tests: x
> > >         -> python-mbed-ls: x
> > >     -> valinor: x
> > >       -> python-project-generator: x
> > >         -> python-project-generator-definitions: ./ (!)
> The other packages will have to wait, I'd rather finish this batch first.

That's awesome. Thank you for the review.

I've pushed changes to salsa, (hopefully) addressing all of the above
issues. Please let me know if I've missed any or if any follow up is

> As my remarks are more like nitpicking, I'd like to insist on the quality of
> your work. Those packages are really neat.
> Thanks for your great work!

Thanks for your kind words,

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